I have been so excited to do this post for such a long time. I've made it no secret I was very very shocked when I found out we are having a girl. I wasn't disappointed, I had just thought for such a long time my baby had to be a boy, it just took some time to get used to. K is awful at baby shopping, he hates looking at the girls stuff so I wasn't very excited about all the cute baby clothes. This, added with the fact she isn't due until November and the only thing in shops is summery, I couldn't really buy much.
However, a few weeks ago I went shopping with my mum who obviously got me very excited. She loved all the little girls stuff and loved looking around for it (YAY!! Shopping partner!). I have got so many gorgeous bits which I would love to do more hauls with so please let me know if you'd like to see more!
Trousers & Bomber Jacket from Next
All above from M&S
Dribble bibs from Next \ Socks from M&S
Daisy xxx